Blue Dry Gear 10L
Dry Gear Waterproof Outdoor Travel Bag - 10L Day Pak - Blue
Let the adventures begin! Dry Gear by Mad Man keeps all your items protected, everywhere you go. Lightweight but tough material prevents ripping and tearing to help protect your items. Rain or shine, let's move!
Our waterproof 10L Day Pak was created so you be free to hike, swim, kayak or any other outdoor sporting you want, while keeping your things DRY and safe with long-lasting protection. Can be worn around your shoulder, or snapped together and carried with the handle.
Best for short trips where you only need to bring a few pieces of gear like a towel, map, wallet, phone or flashlight.
Makes a great gift for dads, husbands and all the outdoorsy men in your life.
Available in 4 colors: black, army green, blue and orange
- Adjustable straps
- Waterproof
- Tear-proof
- Size: 10L
Material: Waterproof 500D PVC